
Affichage des articles associés au libellé Hack

Calvin Teaches Students How To Hack Technology - News

"We hack everything." These are the words of Brian Paige, vice president of information technology at Calvin University. That's right - the words of Calvin's Chief Information Officer. He and his students are busy at work on Mondays and Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. "This is a hacking class," said Paige. Hit the range Information Security (CS364) is co-taught by Paige and his colleague Adam Vedra, the University's Chief Information Security Officer. The two spend a lot of time with their students in the US Cyber ​​Range, a virtual computer security lab specially designed for practicing hacking and counter-hacking techniques in a controlled environment. "The Cyber ​​Range provides an environment in which some of the tools related to cybersecurity can be legally and safely investigated," said Enoch Mwesigwa, a senior computer science major. "This has helped me to better understand the hackers' mindset and to frustrate and recogniz...