
Affichage des articles associés au libellé network

Optus to commence network technology refresh from April 2022

As part of its investment in building a world-class network, Optus will begin updating its network technology in late April 2022 and reallocating its 2100 MHz frequency assets as consumers and businesses continue to enjoy the speed and advanced capabilities of 4G and 5G -Technologies. Some of the Optus 2100 MHz frequency assets currently used to support 3G technology are being reallocated to support better 4G network experience as well as the growth of 5G. This will result in a better and better customer experience. 5G will enable a range of new consumers and business use cases such as industrial automation and immersive entertainment using augmented and virtual reality. Over the past 12 months, our customers have really embraced 5G technology, with adoption of 5G enabled devices growing significantly. It is important that our spectrum assets work well for customers and that they can really benefit from innovative and emerging technologies on our world-class networks as they move ...

LEO Satellite Technology Should Be in All Schools, Gigabit Libraries Network Says : Broadband Breakfast

July 13, 2021 - A battle rages in the heart of the atmosphere. And no, it's not the current heat wave. It is the wireless radio frequencies known as the 12 GigaHertz (GHz) spectrum. On Wednesday, July 14th, 2021, take part in the broadband breakfast live online event "Spectrum for 5G, LEOs and the Future of the 12 GigaHertz (GHz) Band". You can also PARTICIPATE in the current Broadband Breakfast Live Online Event. REGISTER HERE. The 12 GHz band is the name commonly used to identify a 500 megahertz frequency strip that spans the lower end of the so-called K band between 12.2 GHz and 12.7 GHz. The tape was mainly used for downlink satellite communications - most notably by the International Space Station SpaceX and Dish. But now the band has become a focal point in the debate on 5G services versus satellite technologies. Proponents of frequency sharing believe that now is the time to open up 12 GHz to more intense broadband usage. However, some ...