
Affichage des articles associés au libellé Marine

SoCalGas Backs Testing of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology for Marine Vessels – NBC Los Angeles

Southern California Gas Co. announced Tuesday that it would provide $ 200,000 to a project to develop a zero-emission solution for small commercial ocean-going vessels by modifying a commercial boat with a hydrogen fuel cell instead of an internal combustion engine. Fuel cell technology developed by Zero Emission Industries, formerly Golden Gate Zero Emission Marine, has the potential to "significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution from thousands of small commercial boats across California, including patrol, fishing, fire, rescue, ferry and taxi "Leisure and other ships", depending on the utility company. "SoCalGas is committed to helping California meet its climate goals and we are exploring how we can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in each sector," said Neil Navin, vice president of clean energy innovation for SoCalGas. "We recently announced our commitment to net zero greenhouse gas emissions from our ope...