MC Automotive Technology student finds way to succeed
Thomas Bolin, a student at Midland College Automotive, embodies Mark Twain's famous quote: "Find a job you enjoy doing and you won't have to work a day in your life." "I've always loved tinkering with things," said Bolin. “I enjoy seeing how things work and how they go right. My father used to be a carpenter and when I was growing up I helped him build houses. Now I am learning a lot of hands-on learning every day in MC's Automotive Technology program at the Advanced Technology Center. I get to know a lot of new people, which is a great experience for me. " Thomas Bolin excels at MC while living with dyslexia, a disorder that causes difficulty reading and understanding, and dysgraphia, a disorder with writing. “My mother was a teacher and was very helpful in growing up,” he said. “I come from Monahans and ultimately chose MC b...