Computing on the Edge | Womble Bond Dickinson
Edge computing will grow in importance as connected devices penetrate the market. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers listed artificial intelligence at the edge as one of its top technology trends, saying: "Ubiquitous connectivity like 5G and intelligent sensors like the Internet of Things (IoT), ML applications will quickly move to the" edge " move. '"Edge computing will play a critical role in connecting IoT devices such as self-driving cars, industrial wearables and other autonomous robots and drones. Especially for self-driving vehicles, edge computing is essential for processing sensory data due to the almost instantaneous processing times, since no connection to the centralized database is required. Therefore, the next generation of technology and data analysis relies on the introduction and improvement of edge computing.
In addition, by implementing certain machine learning tactics, edge computing seeks to strengthen data protection and work within the growing international regulatory environment. Swarm learning is a decentralized machine learning process that aims to solve the problem of data centralization through cloud computing. A journal article entitled Swarm Learning for Decentralized and Confidential Clinical Machine Learning states that Swarm Learning "does away with a dedicated server, shares the parameters over the Swarm network and the models independently on private data at the individual locations (short ' Node 'called Swarm Edge) "builds nodes)." The article goes on to say that Swarm Learning "offers confidentiality-preserving machine learning by design and can adopt new developments in differential data protection algorithms, functional encryption or learning approaches with encrypted transmission".
In other words, let's say there are four laboratories in four different countries that want to work together to develop a model to predict tumor detection. We assume that health protection laws prevent laboratories from uploading all this sensitive data to the cloud or exporting the data to other countries. In an all-too-simple explanation, Swarm Learning allows any laboratory to process the data within its geographic boundaries, and then the local machine learning model shares parameters learned from its local data set without ever sharing a unique data point. Therefore, the models are constantly updated, refined and trained based on the findings of the other labs. Swarm learning is touted as the protection of privacy and at the same time enables the fair and transparent processing of highly regulated data sets.
There is always a downside. Edge computing can increase cybersecurity risks simply because of the sheer number of devices that allow hackers to attack. However, edge data centers, properly designed, could be used as a tool for cyber resilience by operating in isolation from the core. Basically, the idea is that while an attack could bring a particular edge location or a cluster within it to a standstill, the entire network would be protected to prevent widespread contagion. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in A Survey on Security and Privacy Issues in Edge Computing-Assisted Internet of Things states: "Security and data protection goals can be achieved by developing various protection mechanisms for authentication, access control, data transmission, storage and computation." As edge computing expands, companies need to keep an eye on cybersecurity best practices as edge computing opens up new vulnerabilities while offering new solutions.
In the words of Thomas Friedman: "Great breakthroughs happen when what is suddenly possible meets what is urgently needed." Edge computing will be critical as IoT regulations roll out, data protection regulations become more comprehensive and more secure internationally, and cybersecurity threats continue to be an industry-wide concern. The time has come to ask yourself how data localization needs can affect your company's data, and how edge computing can address these challenges.
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