Researchers develop ultrathin, self-powered e-health patches that can monitor a user's pulse and blood pressure
Sheet-shaped piezoelectric system with self-generation and storage functions (picture of an integrated system). Photo credit: Osaka University
Scientists from Osaka University, in collaboration with Joanneum Research (Weiz, Austria), have developed wireless health monitoring patches that use embedded piezoelectric nanogenerators to supply harvested biomechanical energy. This work can lead to new autonomous health sensors as well as self-powered portable electronic devices.
As wearable technology and smart sensors grow in popularity, the problem of powering all of these devices becomes more relevant. While the power requirements of any component can be small, the need for wires or even batteries becomes cumbersome and impractical. Therefore, new energy generation methods are required. The ability of built-in health monitors to use ambient motion to both power and activate sensors will also help speed their adoption into doctor's offices.
Now an international team of researchers from Japan and Austria has invented new, ultra-flexible plasters with a ferroelectric polymer that not only record a patient's pulse and blood pressure, but can also propel itself from normal movements. The key started with a substrate only a micrometer thick. Using a strong electric field, ferroelectric crystalline domains in a copolymer were aligned so that the sample had a large electric dipole moment. Based on the piezoelectric effect, which converts natural movement very efficiently into small electrical voltages, the device reacts quickly to changes in strain or pressure. These voltages can either be converted into signals for the medical sensors or to generate the energy directly. "Our e-health patches can be used to screen for lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, signs of stress and sleep apnea," says first author Andreas Petritz.
The authors estimate that multilayered plasters can harvest up to 200 millijoules per day through biomechanical movement when worn on joints such as knees or elbows. This is enough to monitor cardiovascular parameters several times a day. And the spots are so thin that they are barely noticeable, which makes a necessary evil for many patients - daily health monitoring - less uncomfortable.
"We expect that our results will help in the development of other leaf-shaped sensor systems that can perform precise biomonitoring when applied to the surface of the skin," says senior author Tsuyoshi Sekitani. Additional modules enable other functions, e.g. B. wireless communication with a smartphone or computer.
The article "Imperceptible Energy Harvesting Device and Biomedical Sensor Based on Ultra-flexible Ferroelectric Converters and Organic Diodes" was published in Nature Communications.
Researchers harvest energy from radio waves to power portable devices More information: Andreas Petritz et al. Inaudible energy harvesting device and biomedical sensor based on ultra-flexible ferroelectric converters and organic diodes, Nature Communications (2021). DOI: 10.1038 / s41467-021-22663-6 Provided by Osaka UniversityQuote: Researchers are developing ultra-thin, self-sufficient e-health patches that can be used to monitor a user's pulse and blood pressure (2021, April 23). This information was accessed on April 25, 2021 from powered-e-health-patches-user.html
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