Shoe scanner technology on the horizon
PICTURE: The shoe scanner builds on the millimeter wave technology used in passenger scanners used in airports to detect hidden weapons. view More
Photo credit: Photo by Andrea Starr | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Richland, Wash .-- Take off your shoes and put them in the trash can! This has been part of the flying experience since 2006. It is the result of a number of threats to the aviation sector that emerged after the fateful events of September 11, 2001, including a failed attempt by an airborne terrorist to set off a fuse hidden in his shoe .
It's one of the most uncomfortable parts of flying and one that can slow down the security clearance process. But someday, even those with no "pre-check" status may be able to put on their shoes, step on the shoe scanner, walk through a next-generation body scanner, and get to their gates safely.
The US Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory developed the original millimeter wave holographic scanning technology used today in airports around the world that can detect a wide variety of potential weapons or threats hidden under clothing.
Next generation security scan
Working with the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate, PNNL researchers have enhanced and enhanced the capabilities of the original scanners to enhance the passenger experience. The result is a next-generation, high-resolution scanner that can identify even smaller threats with fewer false positives. In doing so, they developed a similar technology that can be used to check a passenger's shoes on their feet.
PNNL recently licensed the two technologies to Liberty Defense Holdings, Ltd., a hidden weapon detection company. Licensing state-developed technologies to the private sector is one of the tasks of national laboratories like PNNL.
"Liberty Defense is committed to protecting the public through its next generation body and shoe scanning solutions," said Kannan Krishnaswami, commercialization manager at PNNL. "With their leadership and experience, they are well positioned to bring PNNL-developed scanners to market along with threat detection algorithms to improve security for travelers and people attending events at major venues."
Two seconds per shoe scan
During a shoe scan, the traveler pauses for about two seconds on a low-profile imaging platform. Electromagnetic waves are used to create an image of the shoe that is evaluated to determine whether an object may pose a threat.
The PNNL shoe scanner received an R&D 100 award in 2020 as one of the 100 best innovations of the year.
"Adding the shoe scanner in an airport setting could replace the inconvenient pre-boarding ritual of taking off shoes at the checkpoint and potentially speed up the verification process by 15 to 20 percent," said Bill Frain, CEO of Liberty. "Streamlining security processes while detecting threats and protecting people is a win-win task."
Keep your shoes and jackets
Based on the national need researchers saw for a shoe scanner, PNNL began development with in-house R&D funds. The DHS funded additional development of the technology through the Directorate of Science and Technology's Screening at Speed program, while supporting the development of a new generation of millimeter-wave body scanners that can provide higher resolution images at significantly lower costs. The original scanner design, previously developed by PNNL, has been widely used as a valuable screening tool at Transportation Security Agency checkpoints in the US and abroad for about 15 years.
"The updated HD Advanced Imaging Technology scanner offers much higher resolution," said Dave Sheen, who manages the millimeter wave technology program at PNNL. "Tests have shown that the increased resolution improves potential threat detection while dramatically reducing false positives compared to first-generation technology. The reduction in false positives and the secondary scans they trigger means less direct contact between travelers and security personnel."
The new system design includes improved antennas and significantly reduces image irregularities. With this advancement, passengers or people attending large public events can be scanned with light sweaters or jackets instead of having to take them off before going through the scanner portal.
Advanced scanning for advanced security operations
HD body scanners are designed to meet changing performance needs and identify potential evolving threats such as weapons, explosives and illicit drugs.
The HD Advanced Imaging Technology system may incorporate the latest threat detection algorithms that may have been developed by third parties. The open architecture gives operators the flexibility to select and use best-in-class threat detection algorithms rather than being limited to one type.
"Liberty Defense intends to build on and improve upon the capabilities already achieved on the HD-AIT in order to commercialize and manufacture the platform," said Frain. "The aim is to seamlessly update current systems at airports while at the same time preserving the space required." Frain added that the shoe scanner could be integrated into the base of the next generation HD-AIT. "We're seeing options for separate scanners or a combined version in several places," he said.
Dave Atkinson, who manages PNNL's aviation and explosives research for DHS, summarizes the teamwork that led to the licensing of the new shoe scanner technology and the next generation HD scanner. "This is an excellent example of how federal funding, combined with scientific and technical expertise in a national laboratory and private industry investment, can mature and make technical inventions available to solve national challenges, create new jobs and make the US more competitive increase."
The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory leverages its strengths in chemistry, earth sciences, biology, and data science to expand scientific knowledge and address sustainable energy and national security challenges. Founded in 1965, PNNL is operated by Battelle for the US Department of Energy's Office of Science, which is the biggest advocate of basic science in the US. The DOE Office of Science is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. Please visit the PNNL News Center for more information. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.
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